Terms & Conditions

Mountain Artists Guild (the Guild) Terms and Conditions

  1. All art submitted and exhibited must be FOR SALE.
  2. I warrant that the artworks, in whole or in part, are created solely by me and I warrant that the artwork, in whole or in part does not infringe on any copyright. 
  3. No refunds will be given if the number of submissions are not used.
  4. As a member, I will receive 75% and the Guild will retain a 25% commission for works sold during the Gallery show and online. Current membership is required.
  5. The Guild will pay you your commission by the 15th of the month following the sale.
  6. I will pay a 10% commission to the Guild for any sales of my work (sales made within 90 days after the show closing date) as a result of referrals from the gallery or contacts made through the gallery or the online gallery. 
  7. I will remove unsold work from the Guild on the pickup dates shown in the Call Description.
  8. I will call the Guild to make arrangements if it is not possible to retrieve my work on the Pickup date (928-445-2510) and make arrangements for someone to pick it up for me.
  9. Work left 30 days past the Pickup date becomes the property of the Guild.
  10. The Guild will assume no liability for loss by theft, or damage to my work.
  11. I release the Guild, its staff, volunteers, and directors from any responsibility, personal liability or claims for loss or damage arising from my participation in an exhibit in the gallery. 
  12. I give the Guild permission to use, in all its social media, digital and print publications.
    1. Photographs of my art and art creations entered into Guild shows



This call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions