Seasons of the Vineyards: Spring Awakening

Seasons of the Vineyards: Spring Awakening, Original Fine Art
Seasons of the Vineyards: Spring Awakening
The mystique of wine grapes begins with its roots in Terroir (earth blended with climate), merged together with their care and tending through all four seasons of the year. The year begins with tentative bud break in spring. Lovingly tended, the grapevines will send our leaves and vines with tassels of flowers that will become grapes. If all goes well, in summer the berries will change color veraison and then swelling with juice before harvest, concluding the year with a display of vibrant colored leaves edged in brown, getting ready once more for winter sleep.

Original Fine Art    36 x 48 x 2    $1,500.00   

oils on canvas